Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Battle of the Classics

Let's get it on, polvoron! It's a battle between the classics. The Goldilocks flagship polvoron versus Red Ribbon's "NEW and IMPROVED" CLASSIC polvoron. I don't get how "new and improved" can be a classic at the same time. Anyway, Let's start comparing their appearance.

The Red Ribbon Classic polvs is a little bigger than Goldie's classic. It also has smoother curves and has a fairer texture. The Red Ribbon Classic polvs is also well molded. No contest, RR classic looks better than Goldie. But Polvotron is not looking for the best looking polvoron. Appearance is but a fraction of the polvoron experience. 

“To seek greatness is the only righteous vengeance.” ― Criss Jami

Polvotron Group of Polvoron Connoisseurs of the Philippines gathered 10 random people to take the polvoron taste test. They were given a plate with sliced Goldie on the right, and sliced RR on the other side. Out of the ten volunteers, only two were in favor of brand B.

“Your greatness is revealed not by the lights that shine upon you, but by the light that shines within you.” ― Ray Davis

Brand B, according to the eight, was just too floury. Brand B lacks flavor; the only thing that's giving it flavor is sugar. Brand A however has something that gives it life. It's sweeter, milkier, and creamier! One of the two who voted for brand B chose brand B because he has low tolerance for sugar. The other one voted B because it's more powdery.

Polvorifiq! Brand A is clearly the champion. The eight were unanimous in saying that A has a richer and livelier flavor. 

Highlight the lines below to reveal brand A:


Goldilocks Classic:

Php95.00 (10 pcs)
Php168.00 (18 pcs)
Php189.00 (20 pcs)

Red Ribbon Classic:

Php156.20 (16 pcs)
Php79.20 (8 pcs)

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